This page helps me keep track of the various sources and resources I use on this website. It provides the appropriate attribution to content made by others. It may be somewhat unconventional, but simpler to follow for the common reader.
Literature & Other Content
(1-i) UNESCO World Heritage List
(2-i) UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Tourism Highlights: 2018 Edition
(3) Herodotus: The Histories at Perseus Digital Library
(3-i) Chapter 94. Etruscan Origins from Lydia
(4) Dionysius of Halicarnassus: Roman Antiquities at Bill Thayer’s site
(4-i) Book 1, Chapter 26-30 Etruscan Origins
(4-ii) Book 2, Chapter 30-47 Abduction of the Sabine Women
(5) Livy (Titus Livius): Ab Urbe Condita (From the Founding of the City) at Perseus Digital Library
(5-i) Book 1, Chapter 9-13 Abduction of the Sabine Women
(6-i) The Great Courses: The Mysterious Etruscans, by Dr. Steven L. Tuck
(7-i) Origins and Evolution of the Etruscans’ mtDNA, PLoS Journal at the US National Library of Medicine
(8-i) Sophocles: Trachiniae at Perseus Digital Library
(9) Apollodorus (Pseudo-Apollodorus): Bibliotheke (Library) at Perseus Digital Library
(9-i) Book 2 Chapter 4 – Perseus
(9-ii) Book 2 Chapter 5 – Hercules
(10-i) Diodorus Siculus: Bibliotheca Historica (Library of History), Book IV at Bill Thayer’s site
(11-i) P. Vergilius Maro (Virgil): Aeneid at Perseus Digital Library
(12) Giorgio Vasari: Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects at Project Gutenberg
(12-i) Baccio Bandinelli (vol. 07)
(12-ii) Benvenuto Cellini (vol. 10)
(13-i) Michael David Montford: Carving for a Future: Baccio Bandinelli Securing Medici Patronage Through His Mutually Fulfilling and Propagandistic “Hercules and Cacus” at
(14) Plutarch: Parallel Lives at Bill Thayer’s site
(14-i) The Life of Romulus, Chapter 14-21 Abduction of the Sabine Women
(15) Hesiod: Theogony at Perseus Digital Library
(16) Hesiod: The Shield of Heracles at the Perseus Digital Library
(17) Aeschylus: Prometheus Bound at Perseus Digital Library
(18) Pindar: Pythian 12 at Perseus Digital Library
(19) Strabo: Geography (the cyclops) at Perseus Digital Library
(20) Ovid: Metamorphoses (the story of Medusa) at Perseus Digital Library
(21) Patricia A. Rosenmeyer: Simonides’ Danae Fragment Reconsidered at
(22) The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini (translated by John Addington Symonds) on
Images & Other Artistic Creations
(a-) Images sourced from Wikimedia Commons.
No changes have been made to these images unless noted.
(a-1) Romulus & Remus (photo by Carlo Brogi, public domain)
(a-2) Bust of Julius Caesar (public domain)
(a-3) Bust of Octavian, Augustus Caesar (photo by Bibi Saint-Pol, public domain)
(a-4) Bust of Emperor Claudius (photo by Luis Garcia/Zaqarbal, public domain)
(a-5) Tomb of the Triclinium – Two Dancers (photo courtesy of The Yorck Project, public domain)
(a-6) Etruscan Civilization Map (courtesy of NormanEinstein, CC BY-SA 3.0)
(a-7) Dancers and musicians, Tomb of the Leopards (photo by Yann Forget, public domain). Change: Image was cropped.
(a-8) Bust of Herodotus (photo by Marie-Lan Nguyen, public domain)
(a-9) Photo of Dionysius of Halicarnassus (photographic reproduction of a two-dimensional, public domain work of art – courtesy of Rados inc., public domain). Change: Image was cropped.
(a-10) Hercules beating the Centaur Nessus (photo courtesy of Sailko, CC BY-SA 3.0)
(a-11) Nessus molesting Deianeira (photo courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, CC0 1.0). Change: Image was cropped.
(a-12) Hercules shooting Nessus with a poisoned arrow (photo by Sotheby’s, public domain).
(a-13) Hercules with the poisoned coat (photo courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, CC0 1.0)
(a-14) Hercules, the Lernaean Hydra, and Iolaus (public domain)
(a-15) The head of Hercules, Drawing from 1792 (photo from Wellcome Images, CC BY 4.0)
(a-16) Giovanni di Bicci de’ Medici (public domain). Change: Image was cropped.
(a-17) Cosimo il Vecchio (public domain). Change: Image was cropped.
(a-18) Lorenzo de’ Medici (Il Magnifico) (photo courtesy of Bart Huysmans & Michel Wuyts, CC0 1.0). Change: Image was cropped.
(a-19) Cosimo I de’ Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany (photo courtesy of UK National Gallery, public domain). Change: Image was cropped.
(a-20) Pope Leo X (public domain). Change: Image was cropped.
(a-21) Pope Clement VII (courtesy of Museo Capodimonte, public domain). Change: Image was cropped.
(a-22) Catherine de’ Medici (courtesy of Musee Carnavalet, public domain). Change: Image was cropped.
(a-23) Maria de’ Medici (photo courtesy of Museo del Prado, public domain). Change: Image was cropped.
(a-24) Uffizzi Gallery Panorama (photo by Frans-Banja Mulder, CC BY 3.0)
(a-25) Uffizzi Gallery Hallway (photo by Petar Milosevic, CC BY-SA 4.0)
(a-26) Medici Coat of Arms (photo by Jebulon, CC0 1.0)
(a-27) Hercules Farnese (photo by Marie-Lan Nguyen, Naples National Archeological Museum, CC BY 2.5)
(a-28) Hercules Farnese-backside, with Golden Apples (photo by Marie-Lan Nguyen, Naples National Archeological Museum, CC BY 2.5)
(a-29) Hercules from the Theater of Pompey (photo by Jastrow, Vatican Museums, public)
(a-30) Hercules and the Erymanthian Boar (photo by Szilas, Residenzmuseum, München, public)
(a-31) Hercules and Cerberus (photo by Sebastianm, CC BY-SA 2.5)
(a-32) Hercules and the Cretan Bull (photo by Ralf Roletschek, CC BY 3.0)
(a-33) Hercules and Anteus (photo by James Steakley, CC BY-SA 3.0)
(a-34) Nemean Lion mosaic (photo by Zde, CC BY-SA 4.0)
(a-35) Hercules and the Cerynithian Hind (photo by Jastrow, British Museum, public)
(a-36) Hercules and the Mares of Diomedes (courtesy of Los Angeles County Museum of Art, public)
(a-37) Hercules and the Stymphalian Birds (photo by Jastrow, British Museum, public)
(a-38) Hercules and the Augean Stables mosaic (photo by Luis Garcia/Zaqarbal, CC BY-SA 3.0)
(a-39) Geryon and Orthrus (photo by Bibi Saint-Pol, Cabinet des Médailles, public domain)
(a-40) Hercules and Geryon (photo by Marie-Lan Nguyen, Louvre Museum, public)
(a-41) Piazzale Michelangelo (photo by Txllxt TxllxT, CC BY-SA 4.0)
(a-42) Firenze Piazza della Signoria (photo by Zolli, CC BY-SA 3.0)
(a-43) Vasari Corridor (photo by Sailko, CC BY-SA 3.0)
(a-44) Cosimo I Equestrian statue by Giambologna (photo by Morio, CC BY-SA 3.0)
(a-45) Savonarola plaque (photo by Jebulon, CC BY-SA 3.0)
(a-46) Portrait of Bartolomeo Bandinelli (public domain)
(a-47) Portrait of Giambologna (by Studio of Hans von Aachen, portrait in Musée de Douai, public domain)
(a-48) Ratto delle Sabine, base relief (photo by Sailko, CC BY-SA 3.0). Change: cropped, edited for white balance, color.
(a-49) Romanelli’s Rape of the Sabine Women fresco at Queen’s Cabinet, Sully wing, Louvre Palace (photo by Marie-Lan Nguyen, CC BY 2.5)
(a-50) The Intervention of the Sabine Women (painting by Jacques-Louis David at the Louvre Museum, public)
(a-51) Caravaggio Medusa (photo of a Caravaggio painting at the Uffizi Gallery, public). Change: cropped, edited for white balance, color.
(a-52) Tholos tomb at Pylos (photo by Tom Elliott, CC BY 2.0 Generic). Change: cropped, edited for white balance, color.
(a-53) Cyclopean walls of Mycenae (photo by Berthold Werner, CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported). Change: cropped.
(a-54) Cyclopean walls of Tiryns (photo by Davide Mauro CC BY-SA 4.0 International). Change: cropped, edited for white balance, color.
(a-55) Cyclopean walls of Tiryns (Photo by Karelksir, CC BY-SA 4.0 International). Change: cropped, edited for white balance, color.
(a-56) Cyclopean walls of Mycenae (photo by George E.Koronaios, CC0 1.0). Change: cropped.
(a-57) Perseus and Andromeda (photo of a Piero di Cosimo painting at the Uffizi Gallery, by the Google Arts Project, public). Change: cropped.
(a-58) Perseus and Medusa (photo by Marie-Lan Nguyen, CC BY 2.5)
(a-59) Perseus and the Graiae (photo of a painting by Edward Burne-Jones, public)
(a-60) Zeus seduces Danae (photo of painting by Henri Fantin-Latour, public)
(a-61) Benvenuto Cellini self-protrait (photo by Alicia Milor, CC BY-SA 3.0)
(a-62) Bust of Cellini by Romanelli (photo by Grzegorz Gołębiowski, CC BY-SA 3.0)
(a-63) Perseus by Cellini (photo by JoJan, public)
(a-64) King Francis I (public)
(b-) Images sourced from
No changes have been made to these images unless noted.
(b-1) American breakfast plate (photo by Kyndall Ramirez)
(b-2) 3-egg breakfast plate (photo by Eiliv-Sonas Aceron)
(b-3) Pasticceria in Italy (photo by Bertrand Borie)
(b-4) Espresso and biscotto (photo by Jonathan Pielmayer )
(b-5) Caffè espresso served in demitasse cups (photo by Laura Seidlitz)
(b-6) Coffee and beans (photo by Mike Kenneally). Change: Removed near-invisible line across middle of page.
(b7) White cup with coffee beans (photo by Julia Florczak)
(b-8) Sunset over Firenze (photo by Heidi Kaden)
(b-9) Piazzale degli Uffizi (photo by Matteo Lezzi)
(b-10) Groom Carrying Bride in a meadow (photo by Katelyn MacMillan). Change: image cropped and edited for white-balance and color.
(c-) Images sourced from Google Maps, Street View, or Google Earth.
Content from these products are based on Google permissions/geo-guidelines. Attributions are automatically generated by Google – additional attribution supplied as required by Google Attribution Guidelines, when not readable on the post.
(c-1) Map of Florence Central Market (annotated)
(c-2) Map of Rome Central Market (annotated)
(c-3) 360 StreetView of Piazza della Signoria (by Jess Thompson)
(c-4) 360 StreetView of Loggia dei Lanzi (by Petr Havlik)
(c-5) 360 StreetView of Bargello National Museum courtyard (by Rene de Paula Jr)
(c-6) 360 StreetView of inside of Bargello National Museum (by Phillips Pan)
(c-7) Map of Rome: Circus Maximus, Palatine Hill area (annotated)
(c-8) Map of Greece (annotated)
(d-) Images sourced from The Metropolitan Museum.
(d-1) Head of Medusa, Cameo by Benedetto Pistrucci (public domain). Change: cropped, edited for color, effects.
(d-2) Andromeda and the Sea Monster by Domenico Guidi (public domain).
(d-3) Perseus and Medusa on a Pelike Jar by Polygnotos (public domain). Change: cropped.
(d-4) Perseus and Medusa Lekythos by Diosphos (public domain). Change: cropped, edited for color.
(d-5) Medusa bronze chariot ornament (public domain).
(e-) Images sourced from The British Museum.
(e-1) Gorgon on a Hydra from Tarquinia (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Change: cropped.
(e-2) Gorgon with Perseus and Hermes Olpe jar by Amasis Painter (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Change: cropped.
(f-) Images sourced from Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
(f-1) Cellini’s Saliera (Salt Cellar) (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).